Pre-Screen Process

The pre-screening process is a crucial initial step in the SCF Build Awards, designed to ensure that submitted projects meet the eligibility criteria and align with the goals of the funding program before they proceed to the community voting stage.

By thoroughly vetting applications through the pre-screening process, the SCF Build Awards aim to maintain high standards and support impactful projects that foster community growth and innovation.

The following criteria are used to evaluate each submission during the pre-screening phase:

Eligibility Requirements:

  • The applicant meets all eligibility criteria as outlined in the submission guidelines (e.g., individual or organization status, residency, etc.).

  • The project fits within the specified categories of the SCF Build Awards.

  • The project has an appropriately validated use case. This may consist of existing userbase, large approved partnerships, or even customer discovery interviews, a beta product with test users, use case validation workshops, or other methods.

Project Feasibility:

  • The project plan is realistic and achievable within the proposed timeline and budget.

  • The submission includes a clear and well-defined implementation strategy, including specific milestones and deliverables.

Innovation and Creativity:

  • The project demonstrates originality and a unique approach to addressing community needs or advancing the field.

  • The proposed solution or idea introduces new methods, technologies, or perspectives.

Technical Architecture Document:

  • The provided technical architecture document should demonstrate capability, an understanding of the Stellar tech stack, and a readiness to build.

Team Capability and Experience:

  • The applicant or project team demonstrates the necessary skills, experience, and expertise to successfully execute the project, including prior experience with Stellar/Soroban.

  • The team has a track record of delivering similar projects or has provided a strong rationale for their ability to achieve the proposed goals.

Budget Justification and Financial Plan:

  • The budget is detailed, reasonable, and aligns with the project’s objectives and activities.

  • The budget request is within the budget requirements for SCF Build Awards.

Compliance and Documentation:

  • All required documentation and information are submitted, including the technical architecture document.

  • The application adheres to all formatting and submission guidelines specified in the application process.

Last updated