Authors: BlockScience and SDF, September 2023
A notebook containing an end-to-end example implementation for this document can be found on the gov-modules-demos GitHub repository.
Attestation: Retrievable boolean assertion. Can contain or be assigned an expiry timestamp. Can be sourced exogenously (eg. by retrieving stamps through oracles) or endogenously (eg. by attestating instantaneously through procedural rules).
Role: Computable boolean assertion on which the result depends on the aggregation of pre-defined prior attestations.
Qualifier: Attestation source that can be used for attesting for a given role.
Disqualifier: Qualifier that will automatically deny a given role attestation.
Autoqualifier: Qualifier that will automatically approve a given role attestation, provided that it wasn't disqualified beforehand.
Conditional Qualifier: Qualifier on which the result will add to the accumulated approval criteria for a given role attestation.
Attestation Weight: Transforms a boolean assertion into a real number. Used for controlling the relative importance for each conditional qualifier.
Qualifier Aggregator: Transforms a list of real numbers into a single real number. Used for transforming the conditional qualifier weights into a single number that can be compared against.
Conditional Threshold: Comparison number that is used for transforming a single real number into a boolean assertion. Used for determining whatever the aggregated conditional qualifiers do approve a positive result for the role attestation or not.
Example Implementation in Python
Example instantiation of TRC
Last updated